It’s Foster Care Month – Meet Our Staff Day 7

It's Foster Care Month! Meet Kinship Permanency Specialist, Robert Gentile
What is your Job title?
Kinship Permanency Specialist
What is it exactly that you do? Please explain exactly what your job entails.
I am a contract employee with Oneida County DSS. I am a member of their blind review process when removals are presented to the interdisciplinary team. I investigate cases for potential resources and then screen them to set them up as N docket or kinship foster home placement. This keeps the children with friends and family instead of going to stranger's homes.
What is your favorite part about your Job?
My favorite part of my job pertains to the fact that I am viewed as the good guy in the situation. When removals take place, I help them stay with suitable friends or family.
What is a success story that you can remember that made you feel accomplished in your role?
Reuniting sibling sets that were all separated amongst a few foster homes as none could accommodate them all together.