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The House has been changing children's lives since 1872.

"We have supported The House for many years and will continue to do so because of the incredible, life-changing programs and hope for a bright future they provide to so many children. "

Your support solidifies a thriving environment, gives children a promising future, strengthens families, and enriches our community.

We operate 365 days a year and provide round-the-clock care to over 900 children and their families annually. When invested friends like YOU believe in our mission, there are resources to implement programmatic changes conducive to the ever-changing child welfare landscape.

Donations by Check:

The House of the Good Shepherd
Development Office
100 Lomond Court, Utica, NY 13502

Donations by Phone:

To make a donation by phone or for assistance with your donation, please call 315.235.7770

Please contact Leila "Lee" Bjornland, Assistant Director of Development,
at 315.235.7772 or leilab@hgsutica.com to discuss planned gifts or bequests.