It’s Foster Care Month – Meet Our Staff Day 6

It's Foster Care Month! Meet Primary Therapist, Anastasia Przybyla
What is your job title?
Primary Therapist
What is it exactly that you do?
Perform intakes for therapeutic children in the Tri-County Foster Care Program while assessing their history/background and applying various psychosocial assessments. I compose treatment plans for caseload management and counseling techniques. I modify and compose counseling theories, techniques, and interventions to make each system developmentally and cognitively appropriate for each child. I also promote optimal mental health development for every child through prevention, advocacy, and education.
What is your favorite part about your job?
My favorite part about my job is giving every client a safe place to come and just "be" during their counseling session. Providing a non-judgmental and open space for every client that comes in is something that I feel honored to be able to do.
What is a success story that you can remember that made you feel accomplished in your role?
While this is not a single success story, it is often that clients will take some time to feel comfortable when first entering counseling, which is understandable. It is when I have a breakthrough with a client, and they begin to feel safe in my office and open up that I feel the most accomplished. Being trusted with a child/adolescent's feelings and thoughts is the highest privilege of my job as a whole.