It’s Foster Care Month – Meet Our Staff Day 12

It's Foster Care Month! Meet Foster Care Program Manager, Christine Piersma
What is your Job title?
Foster Care Program Manager
What is it exactly that you do?
I provide supervision to Foster Care Case Planners. I ensure the development, implementation, and monitoring of individualized services we provide to the families.
What is your favorite part about your Job?
The favorite part of my job is watching a new Case Planner who is not familiar with community-based programs grow and gain skills needed as a Case Planner. Not only are they growing as a Case Planner but as a person as well. Another favorite part of my job is teamwork, respect, dedication, compassion, yet resilience amongst each individual in Foster Care from every department.
What is a success story that you can remember that made you feel accomplished in your role?
There have been several success stories over the years, from adoptions to the reunification of families. However, my favorite memory to date is when a charted bus full of HGS Foster Care employees took off to New York City to attend the Today Show. Several of our children were adopted on television with our local family court Judges. Another favorite memory is attending National Adoption Day in Syracuse and witnessing 100’s of children find their “forever families” and being adopted at once; that was an unbelievably emotional event.