It’s Foster Care Month – Meet Our Staff Day 11

It's Foster Care Month! Meet Foster Care Case Planner, Darcie Meeker
What is your Job title?
Foster Care Case Planner
What is it exactly that you do?
I work with clients in Family Treatment Court. I assist the clients and their children in meeting their goals and help them progress toward the permanency goal. Every week, I attend Family Treatment Court with clients and the treatment team to update the team on the clients' services and updates on the children.
What is your favorite part about your job?
I enjoy my part of the job, but most of all, I love being part of a team that assists those we work with recognize their true potential.
What is a success story that you can remember that made you feel accomplished in your role?
A success story is when a client shares with me that I have encouraged them to empower themselves and build on their skills to meet their goals. Then being able to recognize and meet future goals by using those skills.