Celebrating Nurses’ Week! – School Nurse Day

Nurses' Week - School Nurse Day
Nurses’ week is an annual celebration of nurses worldwide for the work they do for others. The week allows the chance to acknowledge the work nurses do, and provides an opportunity to thank them within the industry as a whole. Nurses are your bedside friend around-the-clock, the calming voice-of-reason, and the familiar face full of compassion. To many, they are guardian angels.
During COVID-19, nurses have worked tirelessly on the front lines to ensure that people who need help are cared for. The pandemic has taken a toll on nurses’ morale and mental health. Nursing, in general, is stressful and COVID-19 only amplifies that. Therefore, it’s even more critical to use nurses’ week to reach out and celebrate the nurses around you and throughout the world. We need to keep nurses emotionally engaged with their work to continue providing excellent care to their patients.
Though the week seeks to honor all nurses, there are specific days dedicated to certain nurses. May 6 is National School Nurse Day! We want to celebrate the hard work done by our school nurses, Renee Azzarito, Michelle Argen, Misty Chowaniec, and Tammy Bottini! You all do a fantastic job keeping our students and staff healthy!
We asked them a couple questions.
Why did you want to become a nurse?
What is your favorite part about your career?
Michelle Argen
I wanted to become a Nurse because I always felt the need to help people when they are sick, injured, or in emotional need. I also grew up around the medical field, having several family members that are Nurses, Doctors, and Pharmacists. I always heard their stories, good and bad, which made me interested in the medical field.
My favorite part of my career is being able to be help, comfort, or guide someone during difficult life situations.
Tammy Bottini
I've known I wanted to be a nurse since I was in 6th grade. Just something that's in my blood, I guess.
I've been working for a long time as a nurse, my hospital years were enjoyable and had their ups and downs, but I found my home when I came here 10years ago. As challenging as it is at times, it can be just as rewarding. The staff and my work team are amazing people.