Caught Being Kind

“Caught ya!” exclaimed Vice Principal, Sarah Roselli. November 13 was World Kindness Day, and Ms. Roselli was on a covert week-long mission to identify all the kindness happening at Tilton School. It was quite a lucrative mission! Here are just a few of our students caught being kind! Domenic was “caught being kind” when one ofContinue reading →

Back-to-School Supplies Needed

We are in need of school supplies! Did you know that The House of the Good Shepherd has a K-12 school on our main campus? We are a 12-month school and always in need of school supplies, but this upcoming Back-to-School season is particularly important for us with a new class of students in need.Continue reading →

Foster Care During COVID-19

Crisis In various parts of the country, the Coronavirus has thrown the foster care system into a crisis. Despite all of the uncertainties, we work hard to make sure that families continue to progress through their parenting and reunification goals. Children are still being removed from households where child abuse or neglect is alleged. Still, withContinue reading →

This Is Us

This is us. We are the Child Care Workers on the front line working 24/7 to make sure that children are safe; that they don’t feel the emptiness of neglect or the loneliness of abandonment. We are here. This is us. We are the Nurses who worry that our kiddos stay healthy. We ensure thatContinue reading →

Diversifying Our Library

Diversifying Our Library

The best way to hook someone on reading is to pair with them that one book that speaks to them. Bri, a high school student at Tilton, recently had this experience when she read Teenage Love Affair by Ni-Ni Simone. She said, “I was shocked because I don’t like reading, but that book got me.Continue reading →

HGS Receives MVP Health Care Award

HGS Receives MVP Health Care Award

MVP Health Care Honors 20 Companies, Government Agencies for Outstanding Workplace Well-Being Programs Health Insurer Celebrates Holistic Wellness and Building Healthy Communities FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Michelle Golden Schenectady, New York, September 19, 2019 — MVP Health Care today announced the winners of its inaugural Workplace Well Being Awards. The award recognizes 20 companies andContinue reading →

Max the Therapy Dog at Work

Max the Therapy Dog at Work

Max is Tilton School’s newest Therapy-Dog-in-Training! He is owned by School Social Worker, Ms. Pavlicek and is currently attending Canine Sports Unlimited in Whitesboro, where he will receive his Canine Good Citizen Certitifcate whin a few months. From there, he will continue with additional training to pass the TDI test to become a certified therapyContinue reading →

When a Star Finally Finds Their Sparkle

When a Star Finally Finds Their Sparkle

“Last year, he (Jake) was picked on and bullied at school; so bad and to the point that he stopped going. Shortly after that, his dad passed away. He became very depressed and anxious and had zero confidence in himself. At some points, he thought about taking his own life,” Jake’s Mom, Sheri, said beforeContinue reading →

Homemade (Well, CLASSROOM-MADE) Ice Cream!

Homemade (Well, CLASSROOM-MADE) Ice Cream!

Mrs. Dygert’s classroom has been completing STEM activities over the summer and yesterday they concocted their own homemade ice cream in a bag! The class put half and half, sugar, and vanilla in a quart sized bag as well as ice and rock salt in a gallon sized bag. They placed the quart sized bagContinue reading →