We Celebrate Teacher’s Week – Tilton East!
This National Teacher Appreciation Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week, we honor and celebrate the immeasurable contributions of our Nation’s educators in schools from coast to coast, especially the teachers we are proud to call our own at Tilton School! Our school is divided into two programs: Tilton East serves students in grades K-8, andContinue reading →
We Celebrate Teachers Week!
This National Teacher Appreciation Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week, we honor and celebrate the immeasurable contributions of our Nation’s educators in schools from coast to coast, especially the teachers we are proud to call our own at Tilton School! Teachers play so many different roles. They are mentors who guide with creativity and care; advocatesContinue reading →
One Local High School Students Makes a Difference
Makayla Chambers, a high school student, wanted to give back to her community by providing one of the most needed and crucial articles of clothing…socks! She visited our Foster care Building at 17 Herkimer Road to drop off different kinds of socks for all shapes and sizes of kids in our care. Below you willContinue reading →
A Reflection Upon Departure
Last week, as “NJ”, was preparing to leave our Residential Treatment Facility (RTF), she took a moment to reflect and write a note to our staff. My name is NJ. I have been going through a lot. I ran away a million times, and I always tried to fight thoughts that came to mind. IContinue reading →
Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
“Sarah is an incredibly kind, giving, and hard-working person. She truly exemplifies the mission of the agency, and always puts the children first in any decision she makes. I couldn’t ask for a better Assistant Principal.” – Shannon Perri, Principal This week was National Assistant Principals Week, and we want to appreciate our very ownContinue reading →
April is Occupational Therapy Month
April is Occupational Therapy Month as we honor our own Occupational Therapist, Sarah Malavasic! As an occupational therapist, Sarah is a part of a vitally important profession that helps our clients participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. Her holistic and customized approach to evaluations, interventions,Continue reading →
Give Our Regards To Broadway
“Every man has his daydreams. Every man has his goal. People like the way dreams have of sticking to the soul,” sings 17-year-old Austin. Austin has been a student at Tilton for just a short time, but his dynamic singing and performing skills have already caught the attention of our entire Tilton School. He has hisContinue reading →
Championship-Bound in Watertown
What a month it was for Najuan in Watertown! Last month, he and his two brothers were adopted by the Bellinger – Abel family! His mom, Sarah has been a foster parent with HGS for years and has adopted 10 children during that time. She is super proud of Najuan for his athletic achievements. Sarah tells us, “He will be goingContinue reading →
School Counselor Appreciation Week
Last week was School Counseling Appreciation Week and we wanted to introduce everyone to our very own School Counselor here at Tilton. Rebecca just recently celebrated her 1-year anniversary with the agency. We would like to thank her for all of her hard work and dedication to the Tilton School and we are happy toContinue reading →
Wall of Favorite Stories
Reading is, well, fundamental! It helps build a vocabulary, informs the reader of new experiences, and creates an opportunity for escape and relaxation. For some, getting lost in a story of a world that is not their own is just the perfect getaway. Tilton School Teacher Anna Anggaputra and her Teacher Assistant Rosa Rentas created a “favorite book”Continue reading →