Remsen Youth Donate to The House
Many times, you’ll find that those who realize children are in need are the adults of our community, who know how important it is to support children in less fortunate situations. But when children donate to children, it creates a sentimental feeling, knowing that others their age care just as much as adults. The HouseContinue reading →
A Forever Home Brings on New Beginnings
Being 14 years old can bring about many different challenges: becoming a teenager, entering High School, building new relationships, etc. But imagine being 14 years old with these challenges, not knowing your father, and the mother you’ve known your whole life drastically passing away. For Cisco, this was not only a nightmare but a harshContinue reading →
2021 Holiday Hopes Success
The Holiday Hopes Gift Campaign has partnered with the community for 21 years, providing hundreds of gifts for the children and families we serve. Jerry Plows, our Special Events Coordinator, was faced with challenges over the holiday season because of COVID-19, but having done it once already, these challenges were nothing he couldn’t overcome. JerryContinue reading →
New Resident Welcome Baskets
Being the newest person to a community of people can sometimes be hard to transition into. Whether it be a school, a job, or even a living arrangement, it can cause a sense of intimidation. To help alleviate this process for the new admissions into our residential programs on campus, the youth panel teens decidedContinue reading →
Expressing Feelings Through Graphic Design
As the school year progresses, curriculum can build up, and unfortunately some sections and lessons aren’t able to be focused on as much as others. Luckily for Tilton School, they can study all year round, and computer teacher Phillip Creighton thought it’d be a great idea for our students to learn the new skill of Graphic Design.Continue reading →
“I’m Finally Home! Yay!”
“My name is Ondrell Gonyea. My name is Ondrell Gonyea!” Ten-year-old Ondrell confidently and proudly repeated to everybody at the courthouse after being adopted by his forever family. After 2,107 days spent in foster care, Ondrell finally got to go home. Being placed in the foster care system at just 4-years-old, Ondrell felt that heContinue reading →
Love Is What Makes A Family
The courthouse doors burst open, and a wide-grinned 17-year-old ran down the sidewalk through a flurry of bubbles, popping them ecstatically but with subtle intent. Katrina wanted desperately to find her forever home, and last week, she did! Katrina first entered the foster care system when she was just 3-years-old. A year later, she wasContinue reading →
A Foster Family Full Of Love
“What is my self-care plan? These kids. Making sure these kids feel safe, feel wanted, and feel loved. And if I get a hug at the end of the day, that means more to me than anything else.” – Ina Schleicher What constitutes as a perfect and all around amazing foster family is exactly what InaContinue reading →
Farewell to a Wonderful Inspiration – Teresa Dunn
As we bid adieu to a forever mentor, teacher, music and arts lover, inspiration, and most importantly a friend, we look on the many memories created by the one and only Teresa Dunn. During her 11 years as the Music Teacher at HGS, Teresa touched so many lives (students and teachers) and really brought aContinue reading →
Triple C Awards for Three Tilton Students
Attorney General Letitia James is pleased to continue the Triple C Awards program to recognize the courage, character, and commitment of New York State’s outstanding students. While our state’s educational landscape has changed drastically over the past year, one thing that remains constant is the resiliency, creativity, and brilliance of our students, teachers, and schoolContinue reading →