Wall of Favorite Stories

bulletin board – middle
Reading is, well, fundamental! It helps build a vocabulary, informs the reader of new experiences, and creates an opportunity for escape and relaxation. For some, getting lost in a story of a world that is not their own is just the perfect getaway.
Tilton School Teacher Anna Anggaputra and her Teacher Assistant Rosa Rentas created a “favorite book” bulletin board in the Tilton West hallway and asked staff and students to share their favorite books. The response was varied and inspirational! Many people were able to name their favorite instantly, while others didn’t want to stop at just one, and gave a whole list they love.
Anna’s favorite book? “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier. Anna says, “It’s a classic suspense thriller that was made into a movie by Alfred Hitchcock. It’s dripping with atmosphere and suspense, features a creepy housekeeper, and has a twist ending that you will never see coming.
Rosa’s favorite book? “Somebody's Someone: A Memoir" by Regina Louise. Rosa said, "It’s a book recounting her childhood where she faced abuse, neglect, and rejection from her own parents. She went from foster care to placements and was brutally abused by other kids. She set her goals to be somebody one day and worked hard to achieve those goals.
What's YOUR favorite book? Tell us!