Caught Being Kind

"Caught ya!" exclaimed Vice Principal, Sarah Roselli. November 13 was World Kindness Day, and Ms. Roselli was on a covert week-long mission to identify all the kindness happening at Tilton School. It was quite a lucrative mission! Here are just a few of our students caught being kind!
- Domenic was "caught being kind" when one of his classmates asked for his help to count his cards. Dominic knew that His classmate has trouble counting, so he took time out to help his classmate count.
- Dashua was "caught being kind" when he picked up another student's mess. Dashua is always willing to help and be organized.
- Elijah was "caught being kind" when he taught a peer how to play a math center game.
- Logan was "caught being kind" when he told a peer that his problems at home would get better.
- Jason was "caught being kind" when he offered to help a peer do his work and encouraged him to be safe so he could go to the token store and play games.
- Sonya was "caught being kind" when she helped a classmate by demonstrating good behavior in the hallway.
Being kind helps increase happiness and makes a person feel good for helping others. It can go an incredibly long way, especially if someone isn't necessarily having the greatest day.
"In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND!"


Be Kind