We Celebrate Teachers Week!

Tilton School Liberal Arts Staff From left to Right: Philip Creighton (Computer Teacher), Gretchen Zaitzeff (Librarian), Teresa Dunn (Music Teacher), Penny Primeau (Home & Careers Teacher), William Gardinier (Physical Education Teacher), Sara Martin (Reading Specialist/Diagnostician), John Wallace (Math Teacher), Gretchen Slater (Health Teacher), Justin Moshaty (Art Teacher)Devin Delaney (Science Teacher), Yanina Martinez (Spanish Teacher) Matthew Mariani (ELA Teacher)
Teachers Week 2021
This National Teacher Appreciation Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week, we honor and celebrate the immeasurable contributions of our Nation’s educators in schools from coast to coast, especially the teachers we are proud to call our own at Tilton School!
Teachers play so many different roles. They are mentors who guide with creativity and care; advocates who fight for students’ needs; role models who help students dream and dare more boldly; and leaders who tirelessly support the families and communities that depend on them. Every day, with every student they reach, educators build the future of our country, and we are grateful for their commitment to our shared future.
This year calls for a much greater celebration due to our country facing a cascade of crises in 2020. Despite all trials and tribulations, educators have risen to the challenge with care and creativity, overcoming disruptions in their own lives while offering unwavering support for their students’ wellbeing and academic progress.
We asked them a few questions.
Why did you want to become a teacher?
What is the best thing about working at Tilton School?
Gretchen Zaitzeff
I became a school librarian because I like helping students find the books and information they need to be successful.
The students are fantastic at Tilton School!
Justin Moshaty
To see other people get excited about understanding something new.
It is a small community of a school.
Penny Primeau
As a "support" teacher, I feel I am more than just an educator – I am a confidant, a mentor, and a friend. I think I make a difference in the lives of our students.
The best thing about working at the Tilton school is the small classes. I feel the small courses let you focus on the unique needs of each student.
Phillip Creighton
1 - Because I wanted to make a difference.
2 - It is a strong supportive environment that aims to make a positive impact.
Gretchen Slater
I have always been passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. Teaching allows me an opportunity to share that passion with young people. It is a privilege to educate others about the benefits of healthy living and making positive choices. Hopefully, I am gifting knowledge that lasts a lifetime.
One of the best things about working at Tilton is having the opportunity to work alongside some of the most amazing and dedicated staff and teachers there are in education.
Matt Mariani
I specifically wanted to become an English teacher because English class was the place where I found my love of story, and it's a beautiful thing being able to share that with others. There's no better feeling than when things click in English class. English class was the place where I was exposed to the truths of life. Being an English teacher allows you to analyze, discuss and dissect the most meaningful questions in life -- how could you not want to spend your day doing that?
Teaching at Tilton is a totally unique experience. The small class sizes allow you to connect with the kids and provide an opportunity to really help kids that might otherwise slip through the cracks at a larger school. What I've most come to appreciate most about working at Tilton are my coworkers. I have a hard time imagining a more dedicated staff in any school. In the 16 years I've worked at this school, the team has always been comprised of extraordinary people that I feel honored to call my colleagues every day.
William Gardinier
I enjoy teaching my students new activities that they can use to stay physically active and fit throughout their lives.
The best thing about teaching at Tilton School is the STAFF.
Teresa Dunn
I wanted to become a Music Teacher while I was a student at Proctor High School. My music teacher, Bonnie Hibbard, was my inspiration to go to college and obtain a degree in Music Education. I have been an educator for over 23 years, and the best ten years of my teaching career have been spent here at "The House"- the reason is the incredible staff and students who inspire me every single day. The best thing about teaching at Tilton is that each day is a new challenge and at the end of the day, knowing you have made a difference in the life of a child.
Sara Martin
I became a teacher to make a positive difference in children's lives.
The best thing about working at Tilton School is how well everyone works together as a team.